Tutor, Baehler Hall Administrator

Ahmed Tijani

Ahmed Tijani

Tutor, Baehler Hall Administrator


Over the years, Ahmed Tijani have applied his rich experience in teaching to teach at the basic level, at the second cycle and now at the College of Education as a Mathematics Tutor. As a professional teacher, Ahmed Tijani work hard to improve upon students’ behavior and attitude towards learning and, to correct the misconception students’ have about the teaching and learning of Mathematics as a subject.

Throughout his twenty- four (24) years of teaching, Ahmed hold a personal principle of being: honest, dedicated to duty, fair and firm and committed to improving the standard of Mathematics education. He is a result-oriented teacher, approachable and affable as well as time conscious.


  • Doctor of Philosophy candidate in Mathematics Education, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Mathematics Education University of Education, Wenniba, Ghana
  • Bachelor of Education in Mathematics University of Education, Wenniba, Ghana