Mr. Dwamena Frederick facilitates the teaching and learning process in the PE Unit of the Science Department at the Kibi Presbyterian College of Education, Ghana. He holds a Master of Philosophy in Physical Education Recreation and Sports (HPERS) and a Bachelor of Education in HPERS from the University of Education, Winneba. Besides, he holds Teacher Cert. ‘A’ in Science and Mathematics from then Kibi Training College. Mr. Dwamena Frederick has taught Mathematics and Science at Basic school level and Physical Education at the secondary and tertiary level. He has served in different capacities such as Housemaster, a counsellor and Mentoring of Students Organized by UEW ITECPD or, PE teacher and Head of PE Department in a Senior High School in Ghana. He has been a master trainer for both the Standard Based Curriculum and Common Core Program. For NaCCA. Currently he is a coordinator for Professional Learning Community of which he does with passion.
He has more than twenty (20) years professional experience in teaching Physical Education. He has attended many workshops to enhance his professional knowledge. For instance, in 2018, Mr. Dwamena was awarded a Certificate of Participation in a 4-DAY 3rd International Multi-Disciplinary Conference for Postgraduate Students-Winneba. He has attended several Capacity Building Workshops organized by the Physical Education Sports Associations of Ghana Education Service. He has an honoring certificate as Regional Handball Chief Referee and a zonal Sports secretary. He is a church leader and an evangelist, His research interest includes Semantics, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics. Mr. Frederick Dwamena is an excellent motivational speaker. He has keen interest in talent identification and helping student athletes to blend their academic pursuance with sports performance. His fulfillment comes from the ability to encourage and help the institution to efficiently use human and material resources to achieve its vision and mission